Intruder alarms that are reliable, flexible and easy to use
Global Tech works with a leading developer and manufacturer of hardwired, hybrid and wireless intruder alarms. With countless installations in over 50 countries, these alarm systems are known for their high reliability, rapid setup and installer and end user friendliness.
With advanced features such as visual verification and mobile Apps for remote control these alarm systems ensure customers enjoy complete reliability and ease-of-use. Global Tech’s wide product portfolio supports the security needs of any size and type of customer – be it commercial, residential or industrial.
In keeping with modern technology, the intruder alarms we stock make it possible to keep tabs on what’s happening at your home or business from your smartphone. This is possible via an app which allows you to control the system and perform various operations remotely, such as:
• Access your Hunter-Pro or Captain 8 alarm system from anywhere
• Arm or disarm the system (Full or partial)
• Review zone status
• Read event log
• Turn on and off home appliances
• Control partitions
• Bypass zones
For full details and specifications about this Brand and product, contact us today via email or call us on 21 389 389 to make an appointment.