2024 Solar Grants Available For Both New and Existing Customers!

At Global Tech, we understand that the being able to finance the cost of a photovoltaic system for your home or business is no small undertaking, and that’s why we make it a point to make you aware of the grant options that are available to you.

Various government grants for both new and existing photovoltaic system clients are now available for 2024. In addition to obtaining a substantial sum by means of a grant, you can also finance the outstanding balance of your photovoltaic system (or upgrade to your photovoltaic system) by means of a BOV Personal Energy Loan.

This loan offers extremely favorable rates while waiving administration and processing needs, as well as the need to put down collateral in order to obtain it.


Grants Available for Both New and Existing Clients
In a further push towards increased energy self-sufficiency for Maltese households and business, the Regulator for Energy and Water Services is offering numerous different solar grants, regardless of whether you already have a photovoltaic system, or are seeking to upgrade your existing one.

New Clients
If you’re seeking to buy a brand-new system, our Recom Technologies coupled with Huawei hybrid inverters are eligible for a grant of up to €3,000. Once your system has been installed, you can then opt to apply for yet another grant of up to €7,200 to finance additional battery storage.

Existing Clients
If you previously purchased a photovoltaic system from us (or even one of our competitors) that incorporates a standard inverter, you can apply for a grant of up to €1,800 to upgrade it to a Huawei hybrid inverter. If you already have a hybrid inverter installed as part of your system, you can apply for a grant of up to €7,200 to finance additional battery storage.

For full details on financing a solar panel system via government grant and a BOV Personal Energy Loan, contact us today via email or call us on 21 389 389 to make an appointment.